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For you Hair 團隊即日起招募,培養訓練專業優質人員,讓你在未來擁有與人一較長短之驚人專長,短短幾年光陰換取未來人生大道,讓FOR YOU HAIR打造全新人生。 在人力銀行刊登在刊登,尋找不到適合的公司行號,亦或始終尋求不到自己的理想及興趣之工作,何不嘗試學個一技之長,自己的雙手自己的藝術,是在現在或未來都不會機器取代的! For you 團隊擁有完整教育體系,不論您程度階段問題亦或完全不會,凡是加入 For you hair 均享有完整教育以及優質員工福利! For you 團隊需要對美對髮的藝術執著及滿腔熱情的您加入!
關於博琝 About GLOBLE-TEX Globle - Tex Co., Ltd was founded in 1999 with the professional experience in manufacturing and sale of fabric materials. Globle-Tex has established well integrated supply chain dedicated servicing and in deliver creative, on-demand products. Our QC, in fact, imposes an extremely high standard for all incoming materials, semi-processed, and finished productions. To be a member of the planet, Globle-Tex commits to be responsible for the environment in developing Eco-Friendly materials to all the possible applications. 博琝實業有限公司成立於1999年,擁有完整的供應鏈系統為客戶提供具創意及符合需求之產品,為一經驗豐富之專業材料販售及製造商。品質要求為博琝實業最高原則,同時,作為地球一員,博琝實業承諾將貢獻己力開發環保素材並使其得到最佳運用,將綠地留予大地。 經營理念 Company Philosophy 創意 Creative Developing customize products with well integrated supply chain and flexible capacity to fulfill customer satisfaction. 靈活運用並整合產品供應鏈,為客戶開發客製化商品滿足內在需求。 創新 Innovation Provide comprehensive products to customers by outstanding technical capability and system utilization. 藉由專業化科技及系統之運用,提供完善的產品鏈及銷售整合服務。 附加價值 Value-Added Dedicated in understanding customers’ needs and wants to provide best services and quality products. 致力於了解客戶內在需求並提供最佳服務及優質商品。 永續發展 Sustainable Responsible for the environment in developing Eco-Friendly materials. Protecting the environment is the indispensable duty. 地球只有一個,環保材料之開發為環境永續發展盡一己之力。
1987 Cooperated the Gasket Injection fitting Mold with PARACON of Austria. 1988 Set up the CAD/CAM/CAE system for Design. Cooperated the Window Frame Extrusion Die with Acture of Austria. 1994 Implemented the 3D solid parameter CAD/CAM system PRO-E,I-DEAS. 1997 Promoted the mold and extrusive facilitis to the Market with a turn key service. Settled the Agent(Chau-Zur Technology co.,Ltd) with Sale Business. 2001 IC packing and testing parts and IC packaging mold were developed successfully. 2002 TFT-LCD’S LGP molds were developed successfully. 2003 Traverse Guide were developed successfully. 2004 Separate from Jan Chern Enterprise Co., LTD. Engaged in spin parts and extrusion/injection molds. 2005 In the first half year, rollers were developed which is used in LCD cell panel and polarizer. 2005 In the second half, developed vacuum pads and owned a number of patents. 2006 Improved some equipments such as tapeness facilities in the second half year. 2007 Into the manufacturing of screw and barrel and selling extruder machines. 2008 Imported the equipment of plastic crushing and reduction, as an agent of Zerma Machinery Recycling Technology (Germany). 2009 Imported the equipment of rubber tire crushing and reduction from Zerma.
SS Co., was established in 2005. Founder had earlier served as head of OPH Department in Pharmica Company. Before the establishment of SS Co , the founder has been dedicated to sale of eye care pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, ocular surgical devices Based on business needs, at the end of 2009 set up a subsidiary Cosmos-bio, Inc., responsible for the introduction of foreign raw materials and finished products. We have 600 dealers, including Medical Centers, hospitals, and two of the largest health care access: WELLCARE(200 branches)and MedFirst Healthcare Services, Inc(160 branches) Our company employs 7 people. Ophthalmic products sales staff have many years of extensive sales experience. They have worked for Alcon, AMO, Pharmica. It is a group of professional sales staff Our annual turnover is more than one million U.S. dollars in 2009. Major Products & Services l LUTEIN Eye Vitamin and Mineral Supplement l Cranberry caps l Collagen l DLPC soft caps l Sale of prescription drugs l Distributor of UNION CHEM &PHARM CO.,LTD.--latanoprost eye drops &( latanoprost+timolol) eye drops l ASPHERIC IOL
在這個資訊充斥、市場多元化的資本社會,琳瑯滿目的服務品項,讓使用者迷惑,如何在短時間內篩選出最實用且便利的商品或服務,成了使用者最大的困擾;而提供值得信賴的服務及正確資訊,即是促使我們成為服務平台中最重要的因素。 悠活團隊秉持著讓消費者時時刻刻都能享受『悠遊生活 快意人生』的宗旨,致力於推出結合美感、精緻、優質、創意與符合人性的綠色消費性商品,以及整合性的服務,例如企業內外訓/小型商展(記者會.產品說明會)/個展生日PARTY/婚企策劃與執行/企業CIS或個人形象品牌的建立等獨一無二的服務,讓悠活的使用者擁有便利的生活,有更精彩的幸福人生。 透過悠活易時代所提供的企業內訓與心靈成長講座,我們期許自己更進一步地提供使用者身心的提升與平衡,做個快樂的現代人,並創造屬於自己的幸福,以達到『悠遊生活 快意人生』的最終目的。 來到悠活,讓您充滿創意與幸福的生活!
愛心美食工作室(網址為:www.food-for-love.com.tw)我們雖僅是一個小小不起眼的工作室,無高貴氣派的辦公大樓,但在台灣這塊土地上發揮助人的愛心卻是不落人後,工作室的每位成員個個都是內心充滿著做愛心的熱忱與使命感,鑑於現今仍有許多孩童因先天的缺憾或可憐的遭遇而暗自在黑暗的角落哭泣,故本公司為了傳播[消費同時行善,行善不必一定要捐款]的觀念並秉持[讓行善者亦享有好品質商品]的理念,除了堅持我們的商品品質要好之外,並將商品出售淨利之一部分(目前一年已可捐出數十萬元)提撥來捐助較受大眾忽略之育幼院.迷失少年收容機構.....等之兒童照護團體,尤其是較位處偏遠地區之慈善單位,(且慈善團體開立之收據我們均可出示給客戶看),以期能以小小的力量來把一般大眾藏於內心底層的愛心發揮出來,並能提供那些行大善的慈善單位一些些的幫助,進而讓那些可憐的孩童均能接受到社會的溫暖,這是我們的心願. 加入我們的行列,福利雖無法與公家機關或大財團相比,但因考量工作時間長且辛苦,故工作室提供之收入還不差,尤其歡迎經濟壓力沉重或弱勢家庭之年輕人來共襄盛舉做愛心. (欲更深入了解本工作室之理念,請參考本工作室網站).
沐葉 For Hair 秉持 [健康、時尚、樂活] 的領導理念,首度於竹北高鐵區打造唯一沙龍級美髮新據點! 強調以 Hair 為中心,結合 Health Beauty 的概念,並以寬敞舒適的空間和溫暖親近的調性來迎接顧客!使都市中的人們回歸到自然愜意的情境裡,開啟全新的感官體驗~~!
Since the establishment in 1978, TOPICA is reputed as one of the most reliable and professional CCTV supplier in the world. Our products are sold globally in over 50 countries with our brand name "TOPICA". We provide one-stop shopping service for all CCTV related products in high quality and reliability, including CCD Cameras, Digital Video Recorders (DVR), Video Processors, Display Monitors, CCTV Lenses and other CCTV accessories. Besides, we fully back up our global customers by offering them strong technical support, timely after-sale service, soonest delivery and efficient sales people service.
2007年,懷抱著信心及客戶的支持開了第一家小店,當時在附近有將近十來間的髮廊在競爭,但Libero For Hair的小毛還是秉持著一貫的態度並且慢慢地經營屬於自己的第一個事業,店雖然只有小小十來坪,但該給客戶的服務品質一樣都少不了。 前兩年為了給客戶更舒適的空間,搬至仁愛圓環附近,繼續本店的理想,至今已經準備邁入第六年,每天一樣地認真做客人,每天一樣地認真對待設計師,每天一樣地認真訓練助理,目的就是希望每個跟著Libero For Hair不管是客人或是伙伴都能夠得到他們想要的。 Libero For Hair 現在開始尋才的計劃,找到合適的人才沒那麼容易,但「困難即是開始」所以,永續經營的Libero For Hair,會一直秉持這樣的信念穏漸地走下去,大家一起加油!!!!
本公司以創立,誠懇、細心、誠信、負責與堅持為仲介業扮演客戶間的橋樑,也為仲介人員開創共享、共利之工作環境。 本公司設有租賃部、開發部、房仲部,專營不動產買賣租賃,所有交易透明化。 我們擁有穩定的日籍房客,然而房客的招租標準均為日商來台人士、商社駐台代表、赴台高階主管、來台勘查專務、想進駐中山等正職人士,房客品質當然是沒話說。 本公司為了避免房東與房客之間溝通不良,凡是在租賃期間內,全程免費做房東與房客之間溝通的橋樑,一通電話鴻瑞馬上就為你服務與處理。 「鴻瑞不動產」業主託售或租免受限,可同時自行買賣或招租!隨時得終止委託,不需賠償任何費用,讓你賣的安心、租的放心! About us Welcome to Home Real Estate! Home Real Estate focuses on Rental Business for foreigners and Residential Sale and Buy for natives. Based on professional, enthusiasm, patience, reliability, and conscientious principle, Home Real Estate plays the communicator of real estate business for national and international clients. Home Real Estate possesses stable amount of Japanese clients and we are aimed at Japanese businessmen and Japanese company’s representatives to supply rental service. Now we also increase our services to English speakers. Our major purpose is to be a good translator between national lessors and foreign lessees. We will do our best to satisfy your needs and give high quality and professional service to your demands. Home Real Estate operates the main business at Nong-an St,. Zhongshan District, No longer future, we are going to extend our branch stores in Songshan District and Hsin-Yi District. Also, we are welcome everyone who is interested in real estate to join us. We are looking forward to serve you. Don’t hesitate; just call us (02-2585-6798.)
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